"It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies."
- C.S. Lewis
So, rant time. Feel free to tab out though I would greatly appreciate it if you stayed and read what I have to say. Type. Whatever. Though this kinda gets derailed into me angrily shouting at my computer, I really needed to get this off my chest.
In short I hate Moral Guardians. Let me explain: A 'Moral Guardian' is someone who strongly (read: stubbornly) believes that children (and everyone else, but manly children) shouldn't be "exposed to unmoral content." Which is pretty much anything they don't like. Violence, sex, foul language, a negative deception of someone in a ethnic minority, laziness... The list goes on and on.
Now, don't get me wrong, I see where their coming from to a point. Younger children in the developmental stage shouldn't watch Saw for example. But, and I think I speak for most of us here, I'm not in the developmental stage. Most likely, your not either. We can see Saw if we want to. There's nothing wrong with that, yet movies that are less violent than Saw have been outright banned in some countries.
And it's not just movies or video games that people get angry at. I'm sorry to bring out the links so early, but feast your eyes on this. For those of you two lazy to click the link, it's basically saying how some parents got angry at a high school sex ed text book for mentioning masturbation and bondage. Now, I've looked at the article (obviously or else how would I link to it?) And 1) It's acknowledging that these things exist. It's not explaining how to hogtie someone. 2) This is nothing any teenager doesn't know about. Trust us, we've known what masturbation and bondage was for years. 3) TEENAGERS MASTURBATE, and so do parents. It's an open secret, something you don't bring up in casual conversation. This textbook is a farce, but it's a step in the right direction. Better to be honest and frank about how sex works than to lie or say nothing. My sex ed was on how to use a condom, and not much else. It's lack of information that leads to teens and younger experimenting.
You don't like it when people curse. That's fine. Perfectly reasonable. You try to ban books and/or movies because a character says 'shit' or 'fuck' and now we have a problem. People swear. That's life, it's what people do. That and hate, apparently. Your kids are going to hear the worst of it before 10th grade, I can assure you that. Now, you swear. I swear. What are you going to do about it? Keep on trying to ban books? China bans books. Hitler banned books. Your just a concerned, confused parent who thinks they know how the world works. You don't. Of course, you could be a hate-monger who gets a kick out of putting me in a foul mood.
Let's talk about suicide. Not a very pleasant topic, to be sure, but while were talking about hate-mongers have you heard that some Christians believe suicide to be a sin? Because of course if someone killed themselves, it's not because of outside issues or mental illness, but because there a sinner. I hate, Hate, HATE people who say what god wants and then do something unforgivable. Off the topic of suicide, you know Robin Williams, right? Of course you do, everyone does. The Westboro Baptist Church A.K.A. the "God Hates Fags" Church (There words, not mine) plan to picket his funeral. Why? He played a gay guy once. It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't, you know, always do this.
God wants this, god wants that, blacks are farm equipment, whites are Satan, democrats are going to hell, Hindus are going to hell, republicans are going to hell, atheists, gays, feminists, transgenders, humanists, musicians, writers, actors, were all going to Hell!
Good. If god is anything like what those spiteful fucks at Westboro Baptist Church say he is, then I would gladly go to hell then put up with their god.
Luckily, I honestly don't believe god is like that. What god would hate love and diversity so much, yet give us almost nothing but love and diversity. All that hate, violence, and what have you, that's free will. That's human nature.
Doesn't mean I like it.
I do apologize for swearing earlier, these people bring out the worst in me.
Sorry for taking up your time. I need a calming burrito.
Of Life, Ponies, and Aspergers
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Friday, March 14, 2014
My Favorite Books: In which I get off my lazy bum and actually do something
In no particular order:
-The Great Gatsby: I love me some good symbolism. Also, I'm a fan of the Roaring Twenties.

-The Lord of the Flies: No real reason, I just like the story.

-A Song of Ice and Fire: So many characters I love. So many I hate. Wrap them all up in a gritty fantasy world and I'm sold. Also, points for having actions have consequences.

-Moby-Dick: Again, symbolism. Also, Ahab is beyond fascinating, both to read and to speculate about.

-The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings: The archetype of Fantasy and, in turn, world-building. Also, Smaug is one of my favorite characters.
-The Great Gatsby: I love me some good symbolism. Also, I'm a fan of the Roaring Twenties.
-The Lord of the Flies: No real reason, I just like the story.
-A Song of Ice and Fire: So many characters I love. So many I hate. Wrap them all up in a gritty fantasy world and I'm sold. Also, points for having actions have consequences.
-Moby-Dick: Again, symbolism. Also, Ahab is beyond fascinating, both to read and to speculate about.
-The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings: The archetype of Fantasy and, in turn, world-building. Also, Smaug is one of my favorite characters.
Friday, January 3, 2014
Frozen Heart: Or why Prince Hans is one of the most dangerous Disney Villains
Speaking of spoilers...
So, I have a bad habit of obsessing over new things, and movies are no exception.
Especially if their Disney movies.
Having seen Frozen (Which by the way was fantastic) I was struck with how devious the villain was. At first your set up for a couple of red herrings. Even before you see the movie the advertisements had made it seem like Elsa (The deuteragonist of the film) would be the villain. While Elsa does do some rather extreme actions during the film, I think that for a scared young woman who's spent her whole life keeping a dark secret hidden only for it to backfire spectacularly AT THE WORST POSSABLE TIME is kind of justified for wanting to be a hermit. The second red herring we (The audience) is given is the Duke ofWeaseltown Weselton (Who's never named.) Is he a villain? Yes, he wants to cheat Arendelle of it's good and resources. Is he a threat? Yes, he has two surprisingly competent guards who he sends to KILL Elsa. (Granted she was in that whole 'Snow Queen' phase, but still...) But what really differentiates him from who I consider to be the real villain of the story is that he has absolutely no tact. It's made clear from his very first scene that he's a slimeball whose up to no good, in sharp contrast to the reason Frozen puts Shyamalan to shame, Prince Hans.
Yes, Prince 'Nice-Guy' Hans.
Not only did he fool Anna (Which, lets be frank, wasn't that hard) but he also fooled the audience.
You know, US.
After the reveal (One of the most terrifying scenes in that movie) everything he does is to further his goal. His horse 'accidently' hitting Anna? So he could meet and seduce her. Him being kind to the townspeople? Making them like him so that his transition to ruler would be as smooth as possible. Volunteering to lead the search for Anna? He didn't care about her, only her power. And then you remember that this is a Disney movie. In Disney movies, love at first sight is a big thing. (It's also one of the reasons that Frozen is one of my favorite movies in the Disney lineup, what with them completely demolishing that idea.) So, when you have a villain that can fake love at first sight in a Disney movie...
Yeah, he's a completely terrifying sociopath.
That smug jerk.
So, I have a bad habit of obsessing over new things, and movies are no exception.
Especially if their Disney movies.
Having seen Frozen (Which by the way was fantastic) I was struck with how devious the villain was. At first your set up for a couple of red herrings. Even before you see the movie the advertisements had made it seem like Elsa (The deuteragonist of the film) would be the villain. While Elsa does do some rather extreme actions during the film, I think that for a scared young woman who's spent her whole life keeping a dark secret hidden only for it to backfire spectacularly AT THE WORST POSSABLE TIME is kind of justified for wanting to be a hermit. The second red herring we (The audience) is given is the Duke of
Yes, Prince 'Nice-Guy' Hans.
Not only did he fool Anna (Which, lets be frank, wasn't that hard) but he also fooled the audience.
You know, US.
After the reveal (One of the most terrifying scenes in that movie) everything he does is to further his goal. His horse 'accidently' hitting Anna? So he could meet and seduce her. Him being kind to the townspeople? Making them like him so that his transition to ruler would be as smooth as possible. Volunteering to lead the search for Anna? He didn't care about her, only her power. And then you remember that this is a Disney movie. In Disney movies, love at first sight is a big thing. (It's also one of the reasons that Frozen is one of my favorite movies in the Disney lineup, what with them completely demolishing that idea.) So, when you have a villain that can fake love at first sight in a Disney movie...
Yeah, he's a completely terrifying sociopath.
That smug jerk.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
An Introduction and Apology
Right, first of all this is my first blog, so if and when I screw up, it's cause I'm an idiot.
Okay, now that that's out of the way, and I believe an introduction is order.
My name is Jacob Daniel Kleser, the Daniel comes from my dad, the Jacob comes from the Bible.
The Kleser comes from god knows where.
At this time of writing I am 19 years old.
I am also male, and American. (Hence my apparent stupidity.)
My interests include History, Literature, and being a huge geek.
Hmmm...hold on, let me think. There's something else to put here...
Ah! That's right. I have been diagnosed with Asperger's, Dyslexia, and Dyscalculia (Which has surprisingly little to do with vampires). If you don't know what those are, Wikipedia helps.
I'm also a Brony. You have been warned.
Also, When I talk about movies and books (For I will talk about movies and books) I won't bother hiding spoilers. Again, fair warning.
I'm also a writer of (unpublished and poorly done) fanfiction.
Because why not?
And...that's about it. When I think of that thing I know I forgot, I will mention it in a later post.
Okay, now that that's out of the way, and I believe an introduction is order.
My name is Jacob Daniel Kleser, the Daniel comes from my dad, the Jacob comes from the Bible.
The Kleser comes from god knows where.
At this time of writing I am 19 years old.
I am also male, and American. (Hence my apparent stupidity.)
My interests include History, Literature, and being a huge geek.
Hmmm...hold on, let me think. There's something else to put here...
Ah! That's right. I have been diagnosed with Asperger's, Dyslexia, and Dyscalculia (Which has surprisingly little to do with vampires). If you don't know what those are, Wikipedia helps.
I'm also a Brony. You have been warned.
Also, When I talk about movies and books (For I will talk about movies and books) I won't bother hiding spoilers. Again, fair warning.
I'm also a writer of (unpublished and poorly done) fanfiction.
Because why not?
And...that's about it. When I think of that thing I know I forgot, I will mention it in a later post.
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